Have You Or Are You Planning To Retire From Telecommunications?

Are you considering taking an offer or have you recently retired from a telecommunications company?

If you’re a Telecom employee facing these decisions, you know that there’s a lot at stake and understanding your options can be difficult. Like so many others who are faced with making the daunting decisions related to your company’s downsizing (like a RIF or an EIPP), you may find your pension and retirement process overwhelming and confusing. We have been working with phone company employees for over 20 years and have invested our efforts to acquire valuable knowledge and a deep understanding of the pension and separation process. You do not have to face this decision alone!

One of the biggest decisions local members face is the EIPP. We have worked with many phone company employees who have struggled with the decision of whether or not to take the Enhanced Income Protection Plan (EIPP). The fact is, the EIPP is another word for a severance package. It is an offer designed to incentivize those who qualify and who are willing to retire earlier than originally expected or planned. A Verizon employee’s decision to leave service and receive EIPP payments must typically be made within 15 days of the offer. Offers can come fast, leaving just a little over two weeks to make life changing decisions.

We know what a big decision this is both emotionally and financially. In an effort to make things clearer and ultimately make the decision easier for you, we have created our own process as a way to educate and assist you toward your retirement goals. From asset allocation to 401(k) rollovers, to processing pension paperwork, The Quincy Group specializes in providing professional advice to telecommunications retirees. Our experienced team will help you determine which retirement income options are best for your specific lifestyle.

Join our ever growing family of clients who are just like you….Let us help you live a Richer Life today and into the future!

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